Health & Safety

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Oil well gas leak creates new dangers for local residents and visitors to Ballona Wetlands - University City Syndicate​


An increasingly dangerous gas leak from the oil well located in the Fresh Water Marsh, just west of Lincoln Blvd, in the Ballona Wetlands, has been proclaimed by oil and gas experts as a "significant surface hazard." 

SoCalGas, Playa Del Rey Gas Storage Field Leakage - Grassroots Coalition's CPUC Complaint Case; CPUC Consumer Protection and Safety Division - "Facts and Findings"

Both Grassroots Coalition and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Consumer Protection and Safety Division's "Facts and Findings" detail risks created by the SoCalGas underground gas storage operations in Playa del Rey (PDR), CA. 

Playa del Rey Town Hall - Get OFF Fossil Fuels - Saturday - June 17, 2017 10 am - 12 pm

Since the early 1990's Patricia McPherson of Grassroots Coalition (GC) has been involved in assuring the disclosure of health and safety information related to the Playa del Rey / SoCalGas / Sempra Energy. This is a limited list of GC involvement to assist you in understanding the dangers at the PDR Underground Gas Storage Field.


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