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Click on the links below to see these late-breaking news stories |
PLAYA VISTA BUYERS WILL TEST CAPABILITY OF METHANE SHEILD Article published January 6, 2003 - Critics call high-tech safeguards unproven. Courts back experts who devised system. |
GAS-OIL MIST SPEWS OVER NEIGHBORHOOD Article published April 7, 2003 - An early morning leak at a natural gas storage complex in Playa del Rey on Wednesday spewed a potentially toxic mist of condensate over a local neighborhood, coating cars, streets and homes with brown residue. |
GRASSROOTS COALITION ON PBS Streaming video of GrassRoots Coalition's Kathy Knight interviewed during a Life and Times investigation of the issues surrounding the Playa Vista development. |
LA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC DISCUSSION - EXPERIMENTAL MITIGATION streaming video of the LA City Council public discussion in which Councilman Nate Holden expressed serious concerns about the untried, untested, experimental nature of many of the gas migration components at Playa Vista. He also made a sincere, impassioned request and suggested a motion that the City of Los Angeles be held harmless against future liability. |
HOLDEN DEMANDS THAT PLAYA VISTA TAKE RESPONSIBILITY City Councilman Nate Holden demands Playa Vista developers indemnify city. |
KTLA CHANNEL 5 NEWS STORY STREAMING VIDEO KTLA channel 5 aired this news story showing the severity of the problems at Playa Vista. Story by reporter Patricia del Rio. |
Master of Disaster - How L.A.'s super-rich Gary Winnick is trying to wash blood from the Global Crossing implosion off his hands -- and make more money in the bargain. New Times article by Jill Stewart |
PROF. JOHN MONTGOMERIE'S JLAC HEARING REQUEST Letter from Professor Emeritus of Medicine John Montgomerie to California Legislators requesting a JLAC inquest into the Playa Vista development. |
GRASSROOTS COALITION JLAC HEARING REQUEST Letter from the Grassroots Coalition to California Legislators requesting a JLAC inquest into the Playa Vista development. |
CPUC RULING Administrative law judge's ruling authorizing a health risk assessment and ordering Southern California Gas Company to establish a memorandum account to book the costs of the study. |
BETWEEN REGULATION AND REALITY LIES PLAYA DEL REY Article published September 12, 2001 describing the ongoing investigations by the California Public Utilities Commission into the health risks associated with the Playa Vista development. |
BELMONT II New Times article by Jill Stewart published January 4, 2001, telling how Playa Vista is worse than the L.A. Unified horror. |
MAKE PLAYA VISTA A PARK In an important Los Angeles Times article published Sunday, June 17, 2001, Professor J. William Gibson explains the pitfalls of the Playa Vista development and how the land could be used to improve the quality of life. |
PROFESSIONAL GAS MIGRATION EXPERTS SOUND THE ALARM Several experts in natural gas storage and gas migration sound the alarm about the dangers of developing the Ballona Wetlands - Westside Life, July / August 2001 |
HOW FAR CAN YOU PUSH MOTHER NATURE? Marcia Hanscom, Director of the Wetlands Action Network gives an overview of the struggle to save Ballona and the goals we all hope to accomplish. - Westside Life, July / August 2001 |
Will someone please explain why public funds are needed to sponsor this blight on the wetland environment? An excerpt from June 17th's Los Angeles Times Westside Weekly column by Robert Scheer and Zuade Kaufman |
GAS LEVELS BELIEVED TO BE DANGEROUSLY HIGH Members of the medical and research community are urging the Los Angeles City Council to reconsider their active support for the Playa Vista development. |
LOS ANGELES COULD FACE MASSIVE LIABILITY USC School of Medicine Professor Emeritus Dr. John Montgomerie's letter to the City Council warning of the hazards of exposure to the methane and hydrogen sulfide gases at the Playa Vista site. |
GAS TOXICITY HEALTH THREAT USC School of Medicine Professor Emeritus Dr. John Montgomerie's letter to the City Council warning of the hazards of exposure to the methane and hydrogen sulfide gases at the Playa Vista site. |
NATIONAL SITUATION UPDATES Articles and pictures detailing recent gas explosions across the country associated with gas transportation and storage. |
NTSB ACCIDENT LOG A list published by the national Transportation and Safety Board of accidents across the country involving gas and gas storage. |
Belmont II The would-be Playa Vista project is worse than the L.A. Unified horror. - By Jill Stewart - JANUARY 4, 2001 - THE NEW TIMES |
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