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Ballona Wetlands Flood Plain: In 1952 they were really wet!

Ballona Lower Wetlands in 1952. Notice Lincoln Blvd is a levee road surrounded on both sites by water.

When a developer uses the word "restoration" do you think they mean the wetlands state before Marina Del Rey Harbor was built in 1954?  Or does the developer mean bulldoze current animal homes, and replant a careful, artful designed and manicured modern native plant selection, and hope the animals come back?  Suitable as a tourist attraction and for hotel guests to gaze upon from their hi-rise rental rooms?

Seven Ballona Wetlands Power-Point Presentations prepared by Patrica McPherson, President of Grassroots Coalition

About Patricia McPherson. In 1989 Patrica started the Wetlands Committee for Sierra Club, Los Angeles Chapter. It focused on acquisition and preservation of the Ballona Wetlands. (In 2003-4 the wetlands were successfully purchased with public funding.) In 1993 she founded Grassroots Coalition (GR).

Wetlands: Wetland Acreage Change 1954-2009 bar chart from US EPA

The US EPA's Report on the Environment (ROE) provides a good overview of the importance of wetlands.  The EPA has spent tax payers' dollars to create this web section, as the found out it's a scientific fact that wetlands are critical to our planet's health.




Marina del Rey, CA: Parcel 9U Wetland Park to Enlarge Polluted Water Body - December 2015

Action Item For Activitist: Oppose bringing polluted salt water from Basin B into the Ballona Marsh on Via Marina. It is home to Vernal Pool. Send a comment USPS letter to the address below: Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, 320 W. 4th Street, Suite 200,Los Angeles, CA 9001, Attn: 401 Certification Unit. Section 401 Water Quality Certification process of the EPA is underway now for File No: 15-080.                                                                                        

Wetlands: Just one poorly protected stopover can doom a migrating bird

We have added to our website, for your consideration, a page linking to a scientific publication article, to motivate an understanding to preserve any and all wetlands, whether it's now a stop over point for a migrating bird, or not.

Review Article:

Published Article Title:
Protected areas and global conservation of migratory birds

CalEPA Clean Water Act: Section 303(d) List / 305(b) Report Web Section Polluted Water List

The EPA California Branch keeps track of "impaired" water bodies and their pollutants for the purpose of preventing future impairment, and cleaning existing impaired water bodies.


This CalEPA web section has all sorts of data, past reports, maps, lists, and contact data to report local efforts that move us in the wrong direction.


Wetlands: EPA Wetlands Report Web Section


This url last visited on November 20, 2015.

What you will find on this page.  ROE is "Report On The Environment" encompassing yearly statistics on the 'size' of USA's wetlands, as they decrease by over 85% (as of 2015).


What are the trends in the extent and condition of wetlands and their effects on human health and the environment?


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