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Won't the Fresh Water Marsh and Vernal Pool on Parcel 9U be polluted if the developer pipes in polluted sea water from Basin B as proposed.
Below is a map from the Federal Clean Water Act, Cal EPA 2010 Integrated Report - 303(D). Grand Canal and Basins A, B and C are impaired (polluted). See red highlights in Map 1. For penalties for violating the Clean Water Act, click here
Won't the Fiji Way underground pipe from Basin H to the Ballona Wetlands send more copper and harbor water pollution into the Ballona Wetlands if proposed Boat Central is built?
It is not surprising all of Marina Del Rey Harbor and Ballona Wetlands are classified as Impaired (polluted) Waters of the United States. The Clean Water Act says this must be cleaned, as taxpayer's dollars become available. See purple highlights - Map 2.
Marina Del Rey - home to people, tourists, birds and fish.
Check for yourself at Cal Waterboard 2010 Map, then click on the second tab "Map".
The below map shows Ballona Wetlands area now considered an "Impaired Water Body" (polluted).
Click on the below image to see a much larger image in a new window.
Click here for the CalEPA Interactive Map, then click on tab "Map".
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