
Playa del Rey Town Hall - Get OFF Fossil Fuels - Saturday - June 17, 2017 10 am - 12 pm

Since the early 1990's Patricia McPherson of Grassroots Coalition (GC) has been involved in assuring the disclosure of health and safety information related to the Playa del Rey / SoCalGas / Sempra Energy. This is a limited list of GC involvement to assist you in understanding the dangers at the PDR Underground Gas Storage Field.

Ballona Creek Watershed Interactive Map

We have used Google's MyMaps embedded in a web page feature to allow you to zoom and pan on our website.  Click on a PlaceMark to view a side bar with a photo.  And click on the photo for a larger image or the film strip for Quick Time movie.  Also, view the entire map larger by clicking on the Four Corner Icon in the upper right corner.

