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Action Item For Activitist: Oppose bringing polluted salt water from Basin B into the Ballona Marsh on Via Marina. It is home to Vernal Pool. Send a comment USPS letter to the address below: Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, 320 W. 4th Street, Suite 200,Los Angeles, CA 9001, Attn: 401 Certification Unit. Section 401 Water Quality Certification process of the EPA is underway now for File No: 15-080.
The water in Marina Del Rey is classified as Waters of the United States by the Clean Water Act, EPA 303(d) status of water bodies. Developers, in an effort to privatize Parcel 9U, wants to send the 303(d) polluted salt water of the harbor into this currently fresh water wetlands, thus enlarging the polluted water body, beyond the current boundaries. Click here for our zoomed in copy of this map.
Other points to make:
- Marina Del Rey is ALL public access, and the entire Parcel 9U should be preserved as a wetlands.
- Fresh water wetlands should not be converted to salt water.
- Public parks should not contain polluted water.
- Converting 3/4's of existing wetlands into a hotel for a private owner is not within the charter of Marina Del Rey.
- Replacing indigenous fresh water species with salt water species is not 'restoration.'
- Having a hotel is not for the "Public Goodz, but enriches the 1%.
- Taking of public lands for development of commercial buildings is illegal.
- Reducing the wetland size will kill migrating birds leading to extinction.
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