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Lawsuits Make Us Safer in Our Homes and Work Places but we can't rest until SoCalGas is Closed Forever.
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2007 SoCalGas admits it's Playa del Rey Underground Gas Storage Operation leaks 100 million cubic feet of natural gas annually.

Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) Playa Del Rey Storage Operation up against Playa del Rey Homes...
2005 ENVIRONMENTALISM THROUGH INSPIRATION AND NON-VIOLENT ACTION et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES et al., Defendants and Respondents; PLAYA CAPITAL COMPANY, LLC, et al., Real Parties in Interest and Respondents. B174856 COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISION THREE 2005 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 9697 October 26, 2005, Filed
Read the winning decision (key points highlighted, .pdf file)
Read a summary of the winning decision (corresponds to highlighted decision, .pdf file)
Download Original ETINA Brief Case Number B174856 (Microsoft Word format)
2005 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) 1st Day of Hearing-Transcript with Highlights-Los Angeles-GRASSROOTS COALITION v SOCALGAS/PDR In 2005, Patricia McPherson President of Grassroots Coalition presented to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Administrative Law Judge Brown. Bernard Endres, PhD and Gas Migration Expert was her Expert Witness. The hearing transcript PDF is available here with the added value of yellow marked sections of import, especially beginning at page 93. Endres' Testimony is an introduction to the persistent and very real dangers of oilfield gas leakage in SoCalGas Underground Gas Storage Operations in Playa del Rey, Belmont School and Montebello. This 144 page transcript is fascinating, educational and a citizens alert of great importance, The Public owes a large debt of gratitude to Bernard Endres, PhD and Gas Migration Expert as well as to many experts who were relied upon in this lawsuit.
- This litigation was pursued for another 2 years. We set precedent in our Complaint Case for enhanced monitoring. Our litigation with City of LA played a key role in creation of the New City Wide Methane Code as well as Playa Vista’s Experimental Methane Code and Alarms. (In 2007 City Auditor Laura Chick called for more study of Playa Vista
Dr. Bernard Endres above was one of the authors of "GAS MIGRATION"
Case before Public Utilities Commission of the State of California: Grassroots Coalition et al (GC) vs Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) Re: Litigation status of the Playa Del Rey (PDR) natural gas storage operations.
California Public Utilities Commission found in favor of Grassroots Coalition et al.
Victor Jones, Ph.D. Environmental Technologies, Inc Comments on Grassroots' CPUC
Settlement Agreement with SoCalGas
"In spite of the fact that ETI’s soil gas methodologies were specifically requested within Appendix A of the Settlement Agreement, they were not followed by URS during the Phase I investigation."
Settlement Agreement with SoCalGas
"In spite of the fact that ETI’s soil gas methodologies were specifically requested within Appendix A of the Settlement Agreement, they were not followed by URS during the Phase I investigation."
Grassroots Coalition Reference Materials and Glossaries
See Local Leaking Oil and/or Gas Wells
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