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Play the movie to the left to see a leaking, abandoned well near Playa Vista.
In the Playa Vista area there are over one hundred abandoned wells. Highly toxic and explosive gases are leaking to the surface. These abandoned wells, corroded and leaking pipes, provide an easy way for gases to leak to the surface. Buildings like the Fountain Park Apartments at Playa Vista can trap and hold these explosive and toxic gases. See the diagram below that shows how gases leak to the surface. Please note: if the movie does not load and play automatically you may not have the necessary QuickTime plug-in that is available for free at |
The diagram below shows the many pathways along which toxic and explosive gas can migrate up to the surface. In this area the gases perpetually leak from the oil field formation six thousand feet below the surface, along the well casing, into the surrounding earth. The gas collects in an area approximately two to three thousand feet below the surface, and then continues on through fractures in the earth into the 50 foot gravel zone (LA riverbed) and then to the surface.
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