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Non-Governmental Agencies (Non-Profits) LINKS
Ballona Wetlands Land Trust
The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust, founded in 1994, is a non-profit community organization dedicated to the acquisition, restoration and preservation of the entire Ballona Wetlands ecosystem. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate the creation of a world-class wildlife refuge and public park. The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust has over 3,000 members and five directors on its board.
On April 19, 2016 Walter Lamb, of the Ballona Wetlands Land Trust, will provide an update on the Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project, to include:-- a discussion of the latest delay to the release of the draft Environmental Impact Report for the project-- the Land Trust's successful legal efforts to increase transparency regarding the project-- and what community stakeholders can do to help ensure that the most ecologically sound management decisions are made for this critical ecosystem.ALL LAWSUIT DOCUMENTS ARE POSTED AT WWW.BALLONA.ORG/SMBRC
Bay Foundation
California Native Plant Society, South Coast Chapter
Council for Watershed Health
Friends of Ballona Wetlands
Keepers of the - Betsy Damon
"Water is the foundation of life, water must be the foundation of planning and design. With that philosophy, our mission is to increase the number of living water systems throughout the world." Betsy Damon
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