Submitted on
316 Monrovia Avenue Long Beach, CA 90803 562-477-2181
HAMILTON BIOLOGICAL July 29, 2016 Mr. Jack Ainsworth, Acting Executive Director, California Coastal Commission |
Whether you have been a prodigious reader of TONGVA/KIZH indigenous oral and written history, looking back over the last two to two hundred fifty years - or - a local resident interested in learning more about the Mission Indians - I promise you will come away with a much better sense of what it meant or means to have TONGVA ancestry. As a friend of John Tommy Rosas I wish he were here today to give me his perspective but these 46 pages resonated with me.
Through these letters, you will understand why John Tommy Rosas felt so strongly about his heritage and the reason he worked so many years to save Ballona’s Freshwater, Cultural Resources and Burial Remains of his heritage.
The Federal Government did extensive studies and they found John Tommy's DNA went back 10,000 years in this area. He personally expressed to me how extremely proud he was of that.
WARNING: To “create a 25-foot to 30-foot-deep basin” or huge “bath tub” over 60% to 70% of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve, and then to add 5 miles of levees 25-foot to 30-foot high which will obscure the view of Ballona, is a sacrilege. John Tommy Rosas, Anthony Morales and so many other living Tongva’s and local indigenous people deserve Respect. We must demand PRESERVATION OF THIS SACRED SITE AS LEGALLY DESIGNATED AND DEFINED AS A TRUE RESTORATION. These letters testify to that.
July 29, 2016 Appendix 33/4, Pages 1-43
Hamilton Biological
To: Mr. Jack Ainsworth, Acting Executive Director California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont Street, Suite 1900
San Francisco, CA 94105
From: President, Hamilton Biological, Inc
BRIEF Appendix F Supplemental letters received:
1) July 10, 2013 - 1-5 Pages
California State Parks
Department of Parks and Recreation
To: Rick Mayfield, Wildlife and Lands Programs Supervisor and
Mary Small, Deputy Executive Officer, Coastal Conservancy
From: Marla Mealey, Associate State Archaeologist, California State Parks
Subject: Meeting with John Tommy Rosas, TATTN
2) August 16, 2016 -Appendix F, Page 6-8
Supplemental Letters,
To: Mr. Terry Welsh / Mr. Steve Ray - Banning Ranch Conservancy
From: John Tommy Rosas, TATTN
Subject: Demand for immediate written apology for their comments at August 11, 2016 Coastal Commission Meeting
3) August 17, 2016 -Appendix F, Page 9
Supplemental Letters,
To Whom It May Concern:
From: Richard B. Guttenberg, VP, Cultural Resources
Subject: Support for Mr. Andy Salas, Tribal Chair of the Gabrielino Band of Mission Indians/Kizh Nation
4) March 3, 2015 - Appendix F, Page 10
Supplemental Letters,
From: Charlene Dwin Vaughn, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
To: Dr. Swenson - United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Subject: Playa Vista Programmatic Agreement: Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project Los Angeles, California
From: Mr. John R. Harrington, City Council Member, City of San Gabriel
Terrie L. Robinson, General Council
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