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Support a slow, careful restoration.
Save wildlife & biodiversity at Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve.
Learn from experts and activists who have spent years studying and working toward a good, wildlife friendly outcome at Ballona.
Learn why a slow, careful restoration is so very important at Ballona. Watch approximately 4 hours of the Vimeos and YouTubes. Get a solid, basic education about Ballona NOW.
Reasons why Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve should remain a predominantly freshwater seasonal wetland. For at least 2000 years Ballona Wetlands have been fed fresh water from the 130 square mile Ballona Watershed. Although it does have some tidal influence, it is and has been predominantly a freshwater wetland. Both Patricia McPherson and JohnTommy Rosas make a very strong case for preserving this precious 640 acre Ballona Wetland Ecological Reserve for the freshwater dependent habitat and all the critters who live and/or visit there. 20 minutes
CCC Dana Point Meeting - Unanimous Yes Vote to Remove Illegal Drains - 12/14/2017 1.5 minutes
CCC Dana Point Meeting - Playa Vista Illegal Drains Commissioner Peskin and Brownsey 12/14/2017 7 minutes
Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve - Draft Environmental Impact Report|
LA AUDUBON FIRST SATURDAY 9AM - click below for details.
JohnTommy Rosas explains with overlays on the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve how Preferred Alternative 1 is not a restoration when you compare how things were in the 1860-1870's. JohnTommy also explains how to restore Area’s A and C to fresh water wetlands.
Rex Frankel, "Legal Implifications of Draft Environmental Impact Report" Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (It hasn't been Full Tidal for 2000 years.) Ask for a Freshwater Seasonal Wetland Alternative & 120 Day comment period extension. (link is external) 58 Minutes 10.17.17 (link is external) 32 Minutes 4.19.16
Rex Frankel, - Creating a 50 Mile Loop-Ballona Creek Bike / Hike Path / Griffith Park / Ferndell / Mulholland / Ocean 27 minutes
Travis Longcore, Ph.D., “Historical Ecology & Restoration in Urban Ecosystems: Looking Back & Envisioning the Future” 58 Minutes 9.14.16
Travis Longcore's lecture at the LA Audubon Speaker Series - “Looking Back and Envisioning the Future: Historical Ecology and Restoration in Urban Ecosystems” at the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook Theater on 9.14.16 was remarkably engaging and informative.
Dr. Longcore is a professor at USC and immediate Past President of LA Audubon. Travis takes us on an enlightening tour of local urban ecosystems. Fifty-eight minutes goes by remarkably fast.
Margot Griswold’s Talk on Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Restoration & lack of adequate public participation in the process 24 Minutes 8.27.16
Margot Griswold's Talk on August 27, 2016 about Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Restoration & lack of adequate public participation in the process. Margot says Ballona Wetlands was rarely open to full tidal. It would just open when it was a heavy rainy season. It would open from the land side to the ocean. Then the sand would come back from the ocean side.
We are always hearing Ballona is so degraded it needs this huge restoration, this very expensive, intensive machinery. Dredging. Getting rid of the soil that came from Marina del Rey. That was good soil. It was wetland soil. Things have changed. It made it a more upland habitat. We don't have to move 3.1million cubic yards that was dumped there. It already is amazing and spectacular.
My design alternative: No impact to landscape features that have been stable since the late 1800's such as the existing dunes, the salt pan and the brackish marsh habitats. Do not remove levees as it would unnaturally open the wetlands to permanent tidal flow. Use tidal gates and active management to restore and create wetland conditions to support the current rare and endangered species that are there. Release.
JohnTommy Rosas Discussing Many Aspects of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Restoration - Preferred Alternative 36 minutes 6.1.16
Story Poles at Ballona Wetlands/Marina del Rey: Demand to see height of proposed levees and depth of dredge. (Pipes & Mesh) & 3D Models.
Let's demand to see height of proposed levees at Ballona Wetlands. STORY POLES (Pipes and Mesh) could show how the proposed 20 to 40 foot berms/levees will affect the view. The 3D Models of Redondo Harbor are another example of how to show both the height of the berm and the depth of the dredging proposed at Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. Remember this proposal will invite Salt Water Intrusion, too.
Sierra Club AMG Meeting Walter Lamb RE: Ballona Wetlands Land Trust LAWSUIT Update 30 minutes 9.13.16
Douglas Fay Interview - 60+ Years of Santa Monica Bay History. 30 minutes 9.13.16
Douglas Fay shares 60+ Years of Santa Monica Bay History. This interview was fascinating. Doug learned the history of Santa Monica Bay from his famous dad, Rimmon C. Fay who was one of the original California Coast Commissioners, a founder of Heal the Bay, a proponent of Oxford Lagoon Bird Sanctuary, a Clean Water Advocate, and on and on and on. If you love our Bay you need to watch this to understand how we got to where we are and what we need to do now to protect and revitalize the Bay and the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve.
One Minute Ballona Wetlands Fly-Over
Seven Minute Marina Del Rey, CA and Ballona Wetlands Fly-Over 3.3.16
Fly-Over of Marina Del Rey, CA and Ballona Wetlands in Playa Del Rey, CA to help the California Coastal Commission, elected officials, agencies and concerned citizens understand the current status of development, open space and recreational opportunities on this 2000 acres of public land. It should be noted that Marina del Rey, CA was created by U.S.Congress and signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 to provide a small boat harbor and meet water related recreational needs of 2 million LA County residents.
Today, there are 10 million County residents. The County of LA has leased much of this public land for large housing developments and hotels. Currently, Fishermans Village on Fiji Way has a proposal for a large hotel and commercial development. Parcel 44 on Admiralty Way has a proposal for a Trader Joe's, West Marine and more. Parking lots that were promised for parks are now being considered for Commercial and Hotel Development. LA County puts lease revenue into the County General Fund. Visit: March 3, 2016 7 minutes
Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve - Draft Environmental Impact Report
Definitions and Acronyms
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