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KEY ISSUE in Marina del Rey: POLLUTED WATER GOING INTO WATERS OF THE U.S.(Ballona Wetlands). The blue line in the photo represents polluted water coming from Basin H, through a 50' wide channel under the parking lot and Fiji Way emptying into the "Fiji Ditch" going East along the edge of Ballona Wetlands Area A, under Lincoln Blvd, continuing southeast in Area C. More boats will increase the pollution.
Read this KEY LETTER from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) below. Understand how important the WATER POLLUTION ISSUE is to the future of the Marina and to our opposition to Boat Central. Attend the Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 6 to 8 pm meeting at Burton Chace Park.
Existing Photo of Ballona Wetlands Existing Illustration
Proposed Illustration of Boat Central
The Army Corps has control over Impaired Water Bodies (polluted water). At the top of this page you see the blue line running from Basin H which is polluted and must be cleaned up. Adding 350 boats will add significantly to the water pollution. The blue line represents an underground channel running under the Dock 52 parking lot, under Fiji Way into the "Fiji Ditch" on the north side of the Ballona Wetlands. This stream runs from the west to the east crossing under Lincoln Blvd. See the 2 page EPA Letter discussing Section 303 of the Clean Water Act above and Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 rules that must be met.
Impaired Water Bodies (the definition)
Listing a water body as impaired in California is governed by the Water Quality Control Policy for developing Federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listing Policy. The State and Regional Water Boards assess water quality data for California's waters every two years to determine if they contain pollutants at levels that exceed protective water quality criteria and standards. This biennial assessment is required under Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act.
- Fact Sheet - "2010 Integrated Report on Water Quality with Web-Based Interactive Map," April 2010
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MORE ABOUT THE WATER BOARD AND TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load of Pollutants.
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