
2014-2021 Dr. Margot Griswold - Reknowned Restoration Ecologist - Speaks Out on Ballona Wetlands - A Predominantly Freshwater Seasonal Wetlands and Defines Restoration

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11.8.17 Dr. Margot Griswold Restoration Ecologist BWER - Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Hearing
Testimony before the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Margot explains the Definition of Restoration.  3 minutes 32 seconds


2021 David Schindler - Scientific Giant Who Defended Fresh Water - Among the world’s greatest ecologists - by Andrew Nikiforuk

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David Schindler, the Scientific Giant Who Defended Fresh Water Among the world’s greatest ecologists, his boreal research has touched all of our lives. 
A magnificent piece by Andrew 
