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From: patricia mc phersonSubject: SOCALGAS/ Series of CPUC EXHIBITS/BRIEFS of Grassroots Coalition-SCG/PDR Underground Gas OperationsDate: July 27, 2018 at 1:56:46 PM PDTTo: "Moore, Katharine" <>
Hello Katharine,The Ballona Wetland region and its SCG/PDR underground gas operations collide for both Ballona’s restoration and the overlying and adjacent neighborhoods’ safety, health and well-being.
I’m hoping that you can collect, use and reference what I will be sending you for the Natural Resources Committee. It’s dawned on me that Grassroots Coalition’s work in our litigation with SCG/PDR and our work with the City of LA regarding the new citywide methane code and the Playa Vista Methane Prevention Detection and Monitoring Program provides ample evidence of underground gas storage leakage to the surface from SCG/PDR operations.
However, we’ve only shared a tiny portion of the work & evidence we utilized in our litigation. In short, while we have a Settlement Agreement (which has not been fulfilled in many ways) with SCG/PDR——the reason we were able to get SCG to agree-in writing- to all the extensive monitoring—all above and beyond any monitoring program thus far, was because of our evidence showing the problems of leakage and contamination. So, in an attempt to further our SA goals, the evidence needs to be out in the public realm and needs to be provided to the Natural Resource Committee.
With new regulations per LARWQCB and the State Water Board regarding groundwater contamination by underground gas storage operations, I will be providing this material to them as well. GC has well documented the migration contamination by SCG’s reservoir gases, and operational pressure effects upon the freshwater aquifers of Ballona (which includes the surrounding neighborhoods).
Please keep in mind that Ballona is a predominantly freshwater wetland which has historically received its freshwaters from both groundwater and rain (seasonal ponding and recharge).
(With regard to saltwater—it is highly corrosive and known to corrode oil/gas well bores on the western end of Ballona (well logs and SCG memos). Further, intrusion of saltwater, as cited by Endres PhD, pushes and drives the oilfield gases eastbound. Conversely, the westward flow of Ballona’s freshwater aquifers, drives the gas out to sea.)
VIEW PDF below:A copy of this email including PDF was also sent to:Fri 7/27From: patricia mc pherson
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2018 3:28 PM
To: Kang, Jim@Waterboards; Willis, Andrew@Coastal; Revell, Mandy@Coastal; Haage, Lisa@Coastal;; Wildlife DIRECTOR; Medak, Christine;
Cc: Jeanette Vosburg; Todd T. Cardiff, Esq.; Wilson, Jayme; Chad Molnar; Chuy Orozco;; Weber, Mark; Lauren Pizer Mains,;;; Sheila;
Subject: Fwd: SOCALGAS/ Series of CPUC EXHIBITS/BRIEFS of Grassroots Coalition-SCG/PDR Underground Gas OperationsGood Afternoon Water Board and Coastal Commission Staff and US Fish & Wildlife Service, CDFW,Please include the following information as part of GC’s Complaints per the dewatering and contamination of Ballona’s aquifers due to operations of SCG/PDR & Playa Vista/ CDFW (dewatering & drainage of Ballona’s aquifers and rainwater).The CPUC Briefs per the litigation between Grassroots Coalition and SoCalGas provide background testimony of gas migration expert Endres PhD and include exhibits as to the ongoing reservoir and oilfield gas migration into both soils and aquifers.It is the intent of Grassroots Coalition to provide evidence of groundwater contamination that can be utilized and acted upon to end such contamination by the agencies charged with protection via the Clean Water Act, Porter-Cologne and the relativelynew laws that apply to LARWQCB and the State Water Board for oversight of groundwater contamination by underground gas storage operations—namely in this case by SCG/Playa del Rey operations. And, to garner assistance in the protection of Ballona’s groundwater and ponding rainwater for Ballona’s restoration.To that end, please accept and review the following information and brief. Thankyou,Patricia McPherson, Grassroots Coalition
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